·Did you know that Jews have four different new years?
· Did you know that there is a Jewish holiday in which people camp out?
· You must know that on Passover the entire meal is built around eating an exceptionally
...... dry cracker-like bread called Matza to which you add a really bitter grated radish!
...... (Uhk!)

In order to really take advantage Jewish holidays, youve got to know when they
happen. Jewish holidays follow a different calendar than national holidays in
the west: US Independence Day is always July 4; Canada's Dominion Day is always
July 1; Israel Independence Day is always 5 Iyar, not May 14.

Below are two things:
1. A table which has the names of the months of the year in Hebrew. The Hebrew
...... calendar is lunar, following a system based on the amount of time it takes for
...... visible sunlight reflected on the moon to go from no light reflected to full reflection
...... and back to none (lunar cycle). This is 29 - 30 days every month. Just below the
...... Hebrew month names are the parallel Gregorian month names. The Gregorian calendar
...... is based on a calculation of the amount of time it takes for the earth to circle
...... the sun, and so the Gregorian calendar is solar.
2. Room to type in the holidays you think are celebrated in that month. The names
...... of the holidays and a brief description of them are found in the list below the
...... table.

Inasmuch as youll probably know in which months some of the holidays are celebrated,
type in what you remember. In some cases, youll have to guess. So guess!

[Help] - By clicking on each Hebrew month, youll see which holidays really do
fall in each month with a short explanation of what the holidays are about and
what is most popular about them.

Fill in which months some of the holidays are celebrated, type in what you remember.
In some cases, you'll have to guess. So guess!



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